Genel Konular : Animasyon stajiyla ilgili soru

Animasyon stajiyla ilgili soru

haftada 6 gun, saat 09:00`dan 18:00`a, kendi laptop`imla calismam istenerek ve 2 gun icerisinde mimikleriyle tamamlanmis bir 3 boyutlu karakter istenen bir staja basladim ve ayni gun staji biraktim, bu sartlar normal midir?

ucret odenmedigini veya sigorta yapilmadigini yazmiyorum bile

2011-09-03 17:41:55
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İş yeri neresi merak

İş yeri neresi merak ettim?
2011-09-03 19:38:59
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onu soylemesem daha iyi

onu soylemesem daha iyi olur ancak istanbul`daki taninmis animasyon studyolarindan biri, uzun suredir ingiltere`de yasiyorum ve sadece buradaki sistem bu sekilde mi diye merakimdan sordum aslinda

2011-09-03 20:05:45 Edit:2011-09-03 20:08:28
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Merhabalar Öncelikle kendi bakış
YasarTasYaşar TaşAvatar

Öncelikle kendi bakış açımdan değerlendirmek isterim izninizle. Yıllardır çok insan yetiştirdim. 3D biraz azdır ancak, Coreldraw olsun, reklamcılığın değişik üretim alanlarında olsun. Bir zaman sonra bu öğretme işi baymaya başlıyor. Öğretiyorsun ve arkadaşımız usta olduğunu düşünerek gider, hatta sana rakip olur vs vs vs.
Son yaklaşık 10 yıldır, eğer birine birşey öğretmem gerekecekse önce bir bakıyorum iş var mı diye. Bir ışık görüyorsam eğer, üzerine giderim. Zorlarım, ters davranırım hatta. Bu koşullarda öğrenme isteği devam ediyorsa gerçekten bir çok şeyi haketmiş sayarım ve tavrımı değiştiririm. Ancak bu "gıcık" süreç en az 1 ay, öğreneceği şeye bağlı olarak bazan 3 ay sürdüğü olabiliyor.
Maaş sigorta ancak pazarlık konusu dahi olamaz. Yani kesinlikle bir para alır, verdiği oranda elbette. Sigorta desen, işverensem de, yöneticiysem de asla konusunu bile etmedim. Tabi ki sigortalanacaktır.
Bahsettiğin firma bu şekilde mi düşünüyordur, sende bir ışık görmüş de zorluyor mudur, yoksa ilkesiz ahlaksız mıdır takdir senin elbette. Ancak yasal prosedüre bakarsan, okul aracılığı ile staja gelmişsen sgk primini MEB öder, sana da brüt asgari ücretin %30`u (netin yarısı kadardır) ödenir.

2011-09-03 20:41:45
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cevabiniz icin tesekkurler, okul

cevabiniz icin tesekkurler, okul araciligiyla gelmedim ancak yurtdisinda animasyon okuyorum. isin parasinda da degilim ancak stajyer sozlesmesi tarzi bir sey imzaladim ve maddelerden biri;

"stajyerin yaptigi butun calismalari firmamiz stajyere sormadan kullanabilir"

haftada 6 gun, her gun 9-18 saatleri arasi ve kendi laptopimla calismak zorunda kalmam gercekten olacak gibi degil herhangi bir ucret almadan. iyi ki firma sahibi biraz zorluk cikarsa da sozlesmeyi yirtti

2011-09-03 20:54:08
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Memlekete hoşgeldin :) Üstüne
çağatay köroğlu

Memlekete hoşgeldin :) Üstüne para versen hayır demezlerdi emin ol.

2011-09-03 22:09:26
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Sanırım birbaşka yerden aldığım

Sanırım birbaşka yerden aldığım bu alıntıyı okuyabilirsin. Sana en güzel cevap olur bu bayanın anlattıkları. Forum içerisinde başka bir sitenin linkinin verebilirmiyim bilmiyorum o nedenle yazıyı alıp buraya kopyaladım.

I had two heart attacks by the age of 37 in this business. I got caught working 100 hour weeks on some summer blockbuster. On the 75th straight day of work (mandatory 7 day weeks/17 hour days) I fell asleep at the wheel and did two 360`s on the 10 freeway hitting 3 people. That was my only day off. I didn`t mind at the time I was making like $1000 a day.

The real problem occured after 3 months. I never looked in the mirror. With all the catered breakfast, lunchs and dinners, 12-15 hour days, I had shot up to 290lbs (I was 200 when i started the job). THats 90lbs in 3 months. Too many breakfast burritos.....and I smoked 2 packs a day....and drinking tons of coffee.......They took me to the hospital with chest pains around 120 days.

The nurse in the ER didn`t believe I was having a heart attack..."What? How old are you, 37? Thats too young...". The blood pressure cuff read 235/120.....She didn`t beleive me until I started having nausea after telling her my arms were numb....I threw up in her lap. I was 238/125 now.........and ticking........ They first gave me a green sauce (which is what it looked like). They explained to me it was to freeze my esophogus....Just to make sure that it wasn`t indegestion. The pain continued....

What is worse, you get so helpless. Literally, you`re lying on your own slab and unable to move. You see their lips moving, but can`t hear what they are saying. They asked me "Sir are you on methamphetamines? Do you smoke crack?" They thought I was a junkie....and it`s the part in the movie where it goes all slow motion. I`m having a heart attack and the ER doctors think I`m on coke. It`s true I hadn`t had a physical since I was 18.....and I was uninsured......It was called "Defensive Medicine" designed to prevent me from suing them........ But could 90 hour weeks cause this? Unfortunately, the doctors never met an overworked VFX worker.

I waited in pain almost 4 they watched me have a heart attack.....they waited `til the blood panels came back negative for ANY drugs. Finally that convinced them I was not a drug addict like they anticpated and I was indeed having a heart attack....... My blood pressure went up so high that it crushed my heart.....`til I wound up in these fools hands. Next thing I know they are shoving up a wired camera up my wazoo. In laymen`s terms: they inserted a wire with a camera in my crotch....a femoral artery ...past my balls, my stomach into my heart. have to be concious for the whole procedure. It`s part camera and part claw.....if the camera sees something, the claw rips it out......

There I am on a cold steel table with a camera in my most important aterery......The guys were telling jokes.....(most of the techs looked like they were under 27). The guy with the device now inside my heart......I watched as they inserted radioactive dye into ....or what looked like my own heart...on TV. They all laughed about getting laid at tonights parties.....It was Halloween in Los Angeles.....and you would shit your self at what LA hosptial i was in. Not many men get to see their own heart beating before there eyes...unless it was in a Quentin Terantino movie. Because i had no insurance, that night, they placed me in a room with a woman who was in the last days of her life ( a nasty state of dementia).....she couldn`t sleep and she screamed all night because she was in agony........I`m thinking here I am...they can`t save me and they can`t kill her......stuck here in the middle with you.......I was in the movie Jacobs Ladder ....... no, alas, the American medical system.....isn`t this the best medical system in the world?.....well maybe for some people......I suddenly realized I was not them.......

I was in between health coverages....and now I am uninsurable.

I lost like 40 lbs and went back to work. On the next summer blockbuster I had my second heart attack......and I was back at work 5 days later. Out of the hospital on friday back at work on monday. I could tell NO ONE about my condition with out the fear of being fired. I have since lost about 70 lbs and have my condition under control.....all though forced OT jacks my blood pressure up. The company where my first heart attack occured, they politely refused to hire me back.

Years later I went back to.....that fateful company. No pipeline......absolute chaos....and high end assets hit their plate. They call me in to save the day..........immediately into OT. I forgot my medication and I wasn`t feeling good so I told the coordinator I needed to leave for the night and was unable to work OT.

She was like "Sure! we are all about safety!"...she went on...."In fact a couple years ago we had an VFX artist get hospitalized from a heart attack." I was like, "Laura.....that was ME...." almost kill yourself for a company...... and then they dont even remember you. That company later went bankrupt ... owing me close to $10,000 in back pay.

With worker productivity being the highest in the world, why would you outsource away from workers like myself who would literally kill them selves for a job?

Answer: You can get someone who will kill themselves for $15 a day in some other country. The Indians and the Chinese will have their OT and have their heart attacks too.....they will have their mortgages....and their wives that wonder why they don`t see them any more....and have kids that wonder were there dad is.....their sister will have cancer and they need to miss work without being fired............or they realize they are us........but realize they sold their soul for less money.

Your facts about the AMPTP don`t scare me.....That the Alliance of Motion Picture and Television Producers have sold out 10,000 + American workers so they can employ slave labor. Its not scary.............its worse for me...

I`m a 40-year-old, shit-kicking VFX artist, who has no health care in a job that is literally killing me......I`m the lowest you can go..........I have nothing to lose.

I`ve got a ton more horror stories. I`ve also retained a lot of the knowledge from being in bed with snakes. Things like mark ups and how much studios are really making.....and accounting practices....

If we can educate the fucking Gnomon kids on how much people are making off their asses.......we could shake the community if we do one simple thing...let everyone know what everyone is making......if we can take the glamour off the most unglamourous business.....

Unions? I don`t think we can get one.....but that doesn`t mean we can`t stop outsourcing......My goal is to simply remind everyone that this is a business..and no one gives a fuck if you worked on Lord of the Rings ...or you worked with Dykstra.......or you were on Star Wars`s not about hacking it in shitty pipelines either.....we are really gifted individuals and we deserve some respect for what we do.

I had a buddy who was at ILM. He was walking to the parking lot.....when the EP of ILM and Geroge Lucas were walking by. Lucas was super pissed off and was talking loudly. (Keep in mind, this is a true story.) My friend overheard George Lucas say ..."You know what the problem with this business is? Look at this parking lot.....too many BMWs".

Excuse me??!!!....but I didn`t see George do all the concept drawings or pour the glue on the minatures...nor get behind the camera or do the stunts. A lot of people went in to making him look like a genius. And now ILM is part singapore.......I`m sure the stinking Force was too strong there. No? George?

If we could just tell people our heroes are not who we think they are......
2011-09-03 22:30:28
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super hikayeymis tesekkurler, benzer

super hikayeymis tesekkurler, benzer sekilde yeni bir animasyon filmi ciktigi zaman filmi yapanlar degil de karakterleri seslendirenlerin en on plana cikmasi da rezil bir durum ama gercekten ne yazik ki kimsenin umrunda degil

2011-09-03 23:14:06
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