Beg You Back

Beg You Back
Beg You Back galeri resmi 14457

"In a world where everything is flat and monotone, TV is a window to a different universe where a wicked music band is living life to the fullest: Minster Hill..." "Her seyin yassi ve monoton oldugu bir dunyaya acilan pencerenin (TV) gerisinde, cok daha dolu dolu yasayan firlama bir muzik grubu varolmaktadir: Minster Hill..." ----------------------- Minster Hill is a pop/rock band from New Jersey. This first music video for their upcoming album was produced in Istanbul, 2009. Minster Hill New Jersey´den bir pop/rock muzik grubudur. Yeni cikacak albumlerinin bu ilk muzik klibi 2009 senesinde Istanbul´da cekildi.

Hazırlayan: jeffparadox

Tarih: 2009-09-07 12:45:57

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